Posted by: bkupa666 | November 3, 2009

Roundtable Review — Paper Mario

Roundtable Review No. 2 Paper Mario, by SkylerOcon and Wizzerd

Finally, finally, it’s time to showcase Paper Mario in the second Roundtable Review.  Now let’s get this ball rolling.  Paper Mario’s mobility is indeed emphasized in many of his attacks.  Attacks like Neutral Special and the like definitely fit into the playstyle, but there are a few oddball moves here and there that just cut the moveset’s flow off.  Case in point: Down Smash.  It sounds like a hell of a lot of fun to play around with, and it certainly follows the badge motif of the series, but for such an interesting move, it’s just not included in the playstlye as much as it should be to feel acceptable.  Also, having a mechanic in Star Power that only affects the Final Smash?  That’s certainly a first; it’s so out of line with the playstyle, but I can’t rip on it, as it absolutely works with how you included it.

Now, into a more positive light.  The helpers aspect of the set really shows just how much you’re promoting every part of the trilogy.  I think implementing them as well as you did into the playstyle was one of the higher points of the set.  The move each helper replaces feels disjointed and random at times, but at least each helper is tailor-made to help Mario in one move-genre (as in, KOs, combos, etc.)  The other main reason I’m impressed by the overall set is how well your two styles compliment each other.  This set has the readability and organization Ocon is so proud of.  Wizzerd adds in creativity and keeps the set fresh, while being kept in check from doing anything too crazy.  To finish up my leg of the review, I’m intrigued by the execution of this joint; in my opinion, it’s one of the better ones in this contest.  I won’t go out on a limb and call it a frontrunner, but I definitely think it can hold its own come the following week of voting.

The main thing I like about this moveset is the subtle nods to the Paper-Mario gameplay mechanics. Stuff like canceling the dash attack into to a jump and his FSmash being his literall “run-away” animation were very nostalgiac, full of character, and genuinley interesting moves in their own right. The badges were kinda confusing and I think would have been better used on a special input, but then again, all of your specials deserve their spots too and I’m glad you at least attempted to include badges.

The main thing I would criticize is his playstyle. So he sucks in every way except stalling. Yaaay, you made a playstyle with just as much extreme frustration as the Mewtwo set you criticized. Either he makes every match drag on an on, or his opponent catches up to him and destroys him. Even barring how boring he every match would be, making a character with only one true advantage isn’t gonna do him any favors in the tourney scene. Despite this, this is still an enjoyable moveset and like I once said previously, actually makes me want Paper Mario in a Smash Bros game.

Yes yes, Paper Mario’s playstyle is gay. I don’t particularly mind the concept of stalling in and of itself. It’s a perfectly viable concept to make into a moveset. The only thing that makes it as gay as it is in Brawl are techniques such as planking and the infinite dimensional cape (Since MK isn’t broken enough as is) and what-not. This is certainly no more gay then, say, the masses of camping movesets we have.

There’s no question how much Paper Mario flows into this playstyle. Rool seems to of been blinded by all the various creativity bursts – specifically the star-power, which felt rather un-needed when the set already had more then it’s fair helping of creativity, and the dsmash is another big one. It’s still very much there, but with so many things going on (The fact he has more button inputs then a normal char further confounds it, though this actually contributes to his playstyle) it’s very understandable to see how one could miss it. Still, it’s far from impossible to see, and you rather shove it up the viewer’s face in the end for anybody paying a remote amount of attention (And they should very much be wide awake after the stellar organization and all the creativity, still jerking off to dtilt over here). Those who deny the existence of Paper Mario’s playstyle deny the existence of playstyle itself.

Yeah, so Paper Mario is a pretty fitting set, yep. I can’t deny that, nor can I deny its many interesting ideas. My main problem with it is that it just isn’t very interesting. The playstyle is clear enough, but one wonders why the whole evasive-manuevers thing fits Paper Mario more than some other character, what-have-you. And I stand by the moveset feeling schizophrenic. It’s too creative to be entirely feasible, too nondescript to be uber-creative, and too crowded to be a dedicated playstyle set. There are so many things going on, as Warlord mentions, that it’s easy to get lost in the subtleties and lose track of the big picture. You can’t ask the reader to do all your heavy lifting for you.


  1. I don’t get why everyone hates the DSmash so much. If every move was absolutely vital to the playstyle and was meant to be used more than any others, no moves would be absolutely vital to the playstyle and meant to be used more than any others. 9_9 Still, all of you are right about all these other things you’re talking about. I’ll try and keep them in mind for Quote.

    Oh, and guessing time. Last one’s obviously Warlord. First is probably Kupa. Second is… Junahu? I dunno.

  2. @Everybody: Not every move has to fit into the playstyle. Don’t get me wrong, nearly every move should, but the occasional oddball move that doesn’t really fit (but could still prove to be helpful) is perfectly okay. Case in point, Vaati’s down special. It doesn’t really aid spacing at all, which was the entire point of his game, but it was still definitely a useful move. But now that that’s out of the way…

    Kupa: 🙂

    HR: Well, I criticized Mewtwo for being incredibly broken but incredibly bad at the same time, not for being gay. I also wouldn’t call him ‘bad’ in every aspect except stalling. Bobbery certainly aids his KO game, and Watt helps with damaging, and Yoshi Kid/Flurrie help make his spacing game even better. So while he certainly can’t be good in other areas while he’s extremely good with spacing… he can still be good in other areas.

    @Warlord: Blah blah blah I put Star Power in for fanservice sue me

    @Rool: The set is only unsmash because of the mechanic (removable) and the partners, which you can’t have Paper Mario without. And I’d actually say that the set has a pretty high level of creativity, even compared to sets made by those who focus tons on creativity. I think Wizzerd and I went as far as we could WITHOUT making the creativity too, well, creative. The only subtitles there really are with the set are the partner moves. Unless you count the mechanic in there, which is quite easily ignored (and I’m surprised you didn’t, seeing as you dislike Super Attacks and all). All the “heavy lifting” is gone, seeing as I practically shove every move that aids the playstyle into your face, which is nearly every move in the set.

    I’m… honestly confused where you get your opinion of the set from Rool. Maybe just give Paper Mario a re-read?

  3. [i]@Everybody: Not every move has to fit into the playstyle. Don’t get me wrong, nearly every move should, but the occasional oddball move that doesn’t really fit (but could still prove to be helpful) is perfectly okay. Case in point, Vaati’s down special. It doesn’t really aid spacing at all, which was the entire point of his game, but it was still definitely a useful move. But now that that’s out of the way…[/i]

    Funny enough, I’ve been following this exact philosophy with all of my sets =P

  4. I’m… honestly confused where you get your opinion of the set from Rool. Maybe just give Paper Mario a re-read?

    Yeah, you know, maybe that’d be a good idea. I didn’t enjoy it too much the first time, so maybe that can be attributed to my negative opinion of him. Or something.

    I’m just a monkey with a computer randomly hitting keys.

  5. No need for sarcasm. It’s just that you were saying things that nobody else has, so…

    I think that it might be a good idea to give it a re-read. I wasn’t trying to offend you or anything >_>

  6. I wasn’t being sarcastic. :$

    Seriously, I’ll try re-reading it before the contest is up. Sorry if you got that impression, man. (sry)

  7. Oh <_<

    Haha. It just felt like you were being sarcastic for some reason. Hard to tell over the internet.

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